Glitter Goblins
September 2022 Blog
Interview with one of our amazing creators:
Trish Walbert of Walbert Craftastic Creations

- How did you get started in this field?
I started hand painting mugs, vases, wine glasses and wood signs. I love crafting, so my husband bought me the Cricut Maker in 2020. I didn't open it until about a year and some months later because I was always told it would take time and can be hard to learn. Little did I know, until I actually started, it was not that hard! So as time went on simply doing T-shirts and cups, etc., I kept hearing about tumblers and epoxy and all the things! Well, I jumped on that train and here we are almost two years later learning and growing my business, Walbert Craftastic Creations!

- What types of items do you make?
I make T-shirts, (HTV and Sublimation). I make tumblers, mugs, wine glasses, etc. with epoxy, Crystalac, and Sublimation.

- What is one thing you wish you knew when you started?
One thing I wish I knew before I started is exactly what supplies to get and how to prep efficient and effectively. At this point I'm there but it would have saved time, supplies and money.

- Do you have any advice for other makers?
My advice would be to do your research, watch YouTube videos (they helped me tremendously. I wrote a lot down especially step by step, or printed out guides). Join groups of what you want to do, ask questions…don't be afraid! You learn better that way too!

- What is the best advice you ever received?
Just do it, you won't know until you try! Practice makes perfect! Making mistakes make us better and better and helps us grow to be efficient and do things more effectively.

- Who or what is your biggest influence?
This is a tough one because I have quite a few but I have to say the Glitter Goblins Group and the amazing people in it. It is a more intimate group and everyone is so helpful!
Maestra Creations as well! She has classes and teaches alot as well!
(Both groups you can find discounts as well which is so awesome). Super grateful!
Maestra Creations as well! She has classes and teaches alot as well!
(Both groups you can find discounts as well which is so awesome). Super grateful!

- What are your top three favorite Glitter Goblins glitter colors and why?
Boy, this is a tough one because they’re all so pretty but I have to say Fairy Pink, Hera (I love pastels) and Sunrise Sunset Repeat Bundle is just gorgeous!
They’re my favorite because you can work with them and make beautiful products…you can't go wrong!
They’re my favorite because you can work with them and make beautiful products…you can't go wrong!

- If you would recommend any two Glitter Goblins products what would they be and why?
The Tumbler Starter Kit! It was my very first order and absolutely loved it, Ethel hooked it up too!
Speedy Petey (Fast set epoxy) is a great epoxy and helps with getting things done faster!
Speedy Petey (Fast set epoxy) is a great epoxy and helps with getting things done faster!

- What is your 5yr plan for your business?
This is a tough one. At the moment because I truly just want to continue to grow and eventually have my own store or trailer (I seen someone with this and thought wow, I'd love to do this one day), hitch it to the back of my truck and go or even having it at home posted up.
I want to become a true business owner and be out there in the world! I love making things, being creative and meeting customers wants and needs. This has been a blessing in my life personally and for others. I am still learning and growing but with time and consistency, I'm well on my way!

Speed Round:
Sunshine or Snow? Sunshine
Steak or Pizza? Steak
Romance or Horror? Romance
Favorite Drink? Milos Sweet Tea
Favorite Color? Green
Favorite Music? Country & Christian
Favorite Number & Why? 12, it has always been my number for sports growing up.
Favorite Word? LIVE LAUGH LOVE
Birthday: August 25, 1990
I want to become a true business owner and be out there in the world! I love making things, being creative and meeting customers wants and needs. This has been a blessing in my life personally and for others. I am still learning and growing but with time and consistency, I'm well on my way!

Speed Round:
Sunshine or Snow? Sunshine
Steak or Pizza? Steak
Romance or Horror? Romance
Favorite Drink? Milos Sweet Tea
Favorite Color? Green
Favorite Music? Country & Christian
Favorite Number & Why? 12, it has always been my number for sports growing up.
Favorite Word? LIVE LAUGH LOVE
Birthday: August 25, 1990

Social Media Accounts:
Facebook Group:
Walbert Craftastic Creations Group
Instagram: @wcc0012
Tik Tok:
Walbert Craftastic Creations Group
Instagram: @wcc0012
Tik Tok:
I hope everyone enjoyed this months blog and learned a few things as well. Don’t forget if you want to be featured and have your items listed here and on various Social Media accounts get in touch with myself or Glitter Goblins and as always if you are not a part of The Glitter Goblin Gang please click on the link below and join, we would love to have you.
Jenn Smith
Jenn Smith
Join our Facebook Group to share your glitter creations!
Glitter Goblin Gang