Glitter Goblins Blog
Welcome to the first blog here at Glitter Goblins. We are excited to bring you monthly articles on the best in the glitter world. That will include but not limited to tumbler making, resin crafts, woodworking projects, epoxy pens, beaded keychains, badge reels, keeping up with the latest trends such as foils, 3-D Tumblers and so much more! If it involves glitter we will write about it.
Our hope is that you will find these articles helpful, exciting, enthusiastic but ultimately we want you to succeed with your crafts regardless of what you make using our glitter.
Each month we will feature a different artist. We will ask them their tips and tricks of the trade. They will showcase how they turn almost nothing into a stunning work of art…their masterpieces.
Want to be featured on the monthly blog? We would love to feature you and your work. Have your work seen on the website, TikTok, IG and Glitter Goblins Facebook Group, just submit an email to be considered.
We hope you will join us on this new adventure. We are truly a tight-knit community who bask in each others growth. We want to see you all succeed. Let’s grow together.
If you would like to see something featured on the blog please let us know. Open to any and all suggestions.
If you would like to see something featured on the blog please let us know. Open to any and all suggestions.
Without further adieu let’s learn about this month’s featured artist, none other than (drum roll please)…
Owner of Glitter Goblins, Tumbler Artist, Glitter Guru: Ethel Osmer

Join our Facebook Group to share your glitter creations!
Glitter Goblin Gang
- What made you get into the glitter business?
I have been a tumbler maker for the past 6 years. I fell in love with the first glitter tumbler I saw and immediately knew I wanted to learn this beautiful craft, so I dove right in! It quickly took off and turned into a mad hustle of long days and nights keeping up with orders. It became very physically demanding on me and then I had a massive heart attack at the age of 46, completely unexpected. I knew I had to physically slow down but I wanted to stay in the crafting industry. So, I thought I would try selling the thing that attracted me in the first place.....GLITTER! So here I am and I would love for you to join this journey with me!

- How did you come up with the name Glitter Goblins?
I have always been fascinated with the Medieval Era with Kings, Queens and Castles along with the fantasies of Goblins, Fairies and Dragons. Goblins are thieves and hoarders of shiny sparkly things.....which I relate to GLITTER!

- How do you pick your glitters? And how do you choose the names for your glitters?
I choose my glitters by what attracts my eye....the same as when you place your order. When I choose the glitter name, I think about the color and what that color may remind me of in the Medieval Era and Fantasy.

- If you could recommend 3 glitters from your shop which ones would they be?
Wow... it's so hard to choose only 3...LOL
Ice Storm, Firefly and Ocean Pearls

- For anyone starting out in tumbler making what two colors of Glitter Goblins glitters would you recommend they pair together as an easy way to start?
If you are a beginner to tumbler making Excalibur or Snow Queen with any color looks great!

- What is your favorite type of products to make with glitter and why?
Tumblers but I would love to grow and learn Resin Art and Canvas pieces.

- When do you get most inspired to work? Is there a certain time of day or night?
I am most inspired when I am super busy with a million other things going on... that's when ideas come to me! I am an early riser at 4:30am and like to hit the ground running!
- Who or What usually inspires you? When something inspires you what is your process for turning that inspiration into your beautiful masterpieces?
My inspiration is usually inspired by colors! I normally start my process by thinking about the colors and what products such as glitters, micas, inks etc. that I want to use to make my creations

- You support all your customers so fiercely. Not a lot of business owners do this, why are you so passionate about doing so?
I want to see my customers succeed and grow both as an artist and in their businesses because I feel their success is a reflection of myself and Glitter Goblins. It makes my heart happy!
- What are your business goals for 2022? Next three years? Next five years?
My goals for 2022, the next 3 years and the next 5 years is continued growth.... as a person, as an artist, and in business.
- Who is your greatest inspiration from your past? Present?
My greatest inspiration from my past would be my Grandmother because she had an amazing soul that nurtured everyone she encountered. My greatest inspiration in present time would be the community of crafters I encounter daily.
- Any advice in general?
Learn to appreciate every mistake you make and use it as an opportunity to grow.

Speed Round:
- Pizza or Steak? PIZZA because I don't like steak
- Sunshine or Snow? Both... that's why I love Texas because it can snow one day and be 72 the next LOL
- Romance or Horror? Definitely a huge fan of Horror
- Favorite Drink? Frozen Margarita or Water
- Favorite Music? Pop, Country and Rap
- Favorite Number and Why? Number 11....because it makes me think of people standing together.
- Favorite Word? LOVE because this world needs more of it
- What movie do you wish life was more like? I don't think I have seen a movie that I wish life was more like. (That's because I love Horror movies lol)
- Birthday? September 8, 1971

Please Follow Our Social Media Pages For All the Latest Tips & Tricks:
Thank you Ethel for taking the time out of your busy schedule to be so generous with your time. I am sure the GG Gang will love your answers as much as I have! I can definitely agree with your choices of glitter and I really don’t know how you picked just three of them on the one question-that must of have been the hardest question to answer 😊 I have learned some great new things about you as a business owner, a creator, artist, supporter of the art community and as a wonderful human being that I already knew you were. I look forward to watching your continued success and growth in the future. I look forward to Glitter Goblins growing from a gang to an empire.

I hope all of you have enjoyed the first official blog from Glitter Goblins. Make sure to keep checking back. We will post new artists monthly and post articles periodically if we have some new tricks or tips or anything we think you might enjoy. Thank you for reading and have a magical day 💫
Jenn Smith
Just revisiting the blogs to freshen up for the next one. Love reading yours all over again. You are such a supportive, loving, cheerleader of all your Goblins. You are one in a billion Ethel, so very honored to call you my mentor but more importantly my dear friend. Love you bunches =)😘
OMG, I just received my package and I’m in 💞 with these colors I ordered but to get a +1 in a color that was in queue for the next order…… I be damn😍! I’m so glad I found this glitter company. Take my 💵💸
It’s so much fun to be able to get to know you better!! I absolutely love your glitters!
I love this!!!!! Ms Ethel is the most supportive and loving business owner to her artists I love being apart of the glitter goblin gang and can’t wait for next months blog how cool is this! The speed round had me cracking up 😂 I love it!!