Glitter Goblins
January 2023 Blog
Interview with one of our amazing creators:
Jennifer Smith of Dragonfly Whispers
This month we bring to you an amazing Artist, Jennifer Smith. She is so very talented and does beautiful work on a variety of items. Jennifer is also one of our biggest Glitter Goblins supporters. She makes amazing wood decor, ornaments, popcorn tubs, floral designs and so much more. Jennifer is always so supportive not only to Glitter Goblins and many other small businesses but also to her fellow Artists. Here’s all you need to know about this talented creator:

- When My Mom was sick in hospice I took care of her at home. I always believed in the Afterlife since a kid and received many signs throughout my life…My Mom, not too much of a believer. About two weeks or so before she passed, she waved me over to her hospital bed that was in our living room, like she had a secret, I leaned down, she whispered in my ear “If I can come back I’ll come and visit you as a Dragonfly, then you’ll know it’s me” and she got the biggest smile. I still get goosebumps thinking of it today. We both loved dragonflies, and while she was sick I would pick her up one here and there. There wasn’t too much dragonfly stuff out at that time. So when I had to name my shop, it was a no brainer. I wanted Whispering Dragonflies but that was taken by a soap maker so I chose Dragonfly Whispers instead. Since My Mom has passed I have them follow me everywhere, swarms of them, they come in my house, land on my hand, it’s the craziest thing…so it had to be something with Dragonfly in the name.
What is your absolute favorite thing to make/craft?
- That’s a tough question. I always seem to fall back to something with wood in it so it must be a wood craft. I love to do just about anything really, I love to paint a whole lot too, abstract painting but don’t get a whole lot of time for it anymore.
Where and who do you find inspiration from?
- All over really, but I tend to look up a lot. I love the sky, the stars, the way the clouds move, the light of the moon, the glow it gives off. I’m also drawn to a lot of water. I feel calm and it’s my favorite place to be so I tend to be able to come up with a lot of ideas when I’m near the water. As for who, so many people. There are so many talented artists all around us, Ethel & Danica inspire me everyday, how they just take a sheet of vinyl and blow my mind with these amazing tumblers they make, or people in my wood group who make some stunning pieces of art, my Grandson inspires me everyday with love & joy which makes me want to do better things for him. There’s a whole world of inspiration all around us.
What is your business goal for 2023?
- I have so many. I want to be able to go to a FT business this year and give up my day job. To do that I need more time which I’m slowly working towards. Sooner or later you just have to take the leap & dive in. I also want to make 3 major (not so major) purchases in 2023 to further my business, hopefully I can pull it off.
What is your 3 favorite Glitter Goblins glitter?
- This is almost an impossible answer, I love them all so much but if I have to pick I’d say Excalibur, Ocean Pearls and Fairy Wings (but this can change on any given day, except for Excalibur, that has always stayed in my Top 3!)
What are your fave glitters?
- Not sure who asked this if you meant what kind, so I’m going to run with that. Definitely Holographic and the Opal Iridescent by Glitter Goblins of course!
What is one product besides glitter do you wish Glitter Goblins carried?
- Extra Fine Glitter like a .08 or .10 cut because I use so much of it in my wood art and I have to go elsewhere to get it Shhhh don’t tell Ethel! You don’t know the absolute guilt I feel buying other glitter! But Glitter Goblins will always be my favorite glitter no matter what.
Is this your full time job?
- Nope, but I’m working on making it my FT job. I work usually 5-6 days a week outside my shop.
What process, for inspiration, do you go through to create your ideas?
- I don’t go through much of a process, I’m more of a wing it and let’s see what we get type of person. Unless someone wants something very specific then I’ll sit and draw it first, plan the colors, etc but I think art is better when it’s free flowing and not all the way planned. I get a general idea and go with it. Most of the time it works. Thankfully.
What inspired you to decide to develop this business?
- I’ve always did something in the Arts for as long as I can remember, then I was away from it for a little while. I lost My Mom 2014 then my baby Grandson 2016, it was shortly after that I had to find a way to start releasing that grief and anger that I started creating again. Little by little it helped, I started selling some things here and there so I decided to turn that into a business.
Where do you see the tumbler making business developing in 2023?
- I hope up and expanding! It certainly has blown up in the last couple years but I don’t want to see the market get over-saturated with the same ideas, same designs everywhere. I hope people will continue being original, making their own thing. We need true artists in the tumbler world not people jumping on the bandwagon just to make a quick buck. I love watching the people who take that stainless steel piece of metal and going “Oh, holy crap” when you see their finished product, these artists are few and far between. My hope for the tumbler industry also is that there is more positivity, more community amongst its members. There’s enough room for everyone, everyone started out in the same place, don’t forget that. Help the people just starting out. It’s not for everyone, I’ll agree on that, but there are some, you see they have the talent, they just need some guidance…give it to them. Then I think the tumbler industry in 2023 will do some pretty extraordinary things. There’s always new products evolving, new methods, raw talent. There’s never been a better time to be a part of something wonderful.
What do you do when you are not crafting? For instance- for fun, family, stress release.
- I don’t get too much time to myself at all but on the rare occasion that I do my favorite thing to do is walk along the side of the ocean just far enough for my feet to be in. I can recharge, relax like nowhere else. It’s my favorite place in the world to be on the beach, just walking along…just does something for the soul. Other than that, I watch very few shows and love seeing My Grandson, he is the light of my life, I call him “My Saving Grace”
- Tumblers and epoxy only a little over a year and have only made a few. I would absolutely love to make tons more! Glitter a long time because I used that in my other crafts that I made, so I guess all toll about 5yrs now with glitter, 2yrs with UV Resin and only a little over a year with epoxy & tumblers. And let’s face it…life is just better with glitter all around.
Thank you everyone who asked the questions, I appreciate your time. This was fun and definitely different for me.
Speed Round:
Sunshine or Snow? Sunshine! I loathe the cold.
Steak or Pizza? Pizza
Romance or Horror? Romance. Believe it or not, I am a hopeless romantic. I think there is nothing better than being in love & be loved in return (I know I’m a sap) Shhh, don’t tell anyone, you’ll ruin my reputation.
Favorite Drink? Coffee
Favorite Color? Black, Gray, Blue, Purple
Favorite Music? Madonna but I listen to all kinds from Motown to Led Zeppelin to Pop to Todays Hits
Favorite Number & Why? 25 (it’s been my number since I’ve been a kid-ironically the date My Baby Grandson passed away on)
Birthday: Nov. 21, 1967

Social Media Links:
I hope everyone enjoyed this months blog and learned a few things as well. Don’t forget if you want to be featured and have your items listed here and on various Social Media accounts get in touch with myself or Glitter Goblins and as always if you are not a part of The Glitter Goblin Gang please click on the link below and join, we would love to have you.
Jenn Smith